Source code for fussy.install

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Install a given firmware package onto the file system (commands fussy-install and fussy-clean)

Major TODO items:

* TODO: error handling for all of the big issues (disk-space, memory, script failures)
import subprocess, os, sys, shutil, tempfile, glob, logging, traceback
from optparse import OptionParser
from fussy import unpack, errors, nbio
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

CURRENT_LINK = 'current'
FAILSAFE_NAME = 'failsafe'
LOG_FORMAT = '[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s -- %(message)s'

[docs]def clean( target=DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_DIRECTORY, protected = None ): """Naive cleaning implementation Removes all names in target which are not in protected, paths in protected must be *full* path names, as returned by glob. The target of the current link is protected. """ if protected is None: protected = [ os.path.join( target, p ) for p in PROTECTED ] # current target is always protected... current = os.path.join( target, CURRENT_LINK) assert os.path.exists( current ), "Current link appears to be missing, corrupt installation (e.g. run install)?" current_target = final_path( current ) assert os.path.exists( current_target ), "Current link appears to be broken, fix before cleaning (e.g. run install)" protected.append( current_target ) for path in glob.glob( os.path.join( target, '*' )): if path not in protected: log.warn( 'Removing unused firmware: %s', path ) shutil.rmtree( path, True ) return current_target
[docs]def final_path( link ): """Get the final path of the given link raises IOError if link target does not exist, or the target is not a directory returns normalized real target path of the link """ real = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath( link ) ) if not os.path.exists( real ): raise IOError( "Target of link %(link)r (%(real)s) does not exist"%locals()) if not os.path.isdir( real ): raise IOError( "Target of link %(link)r is not a directory"%locals()) return real
[docs]def install_bytes( filename, keyring='/etc/fussy/keys', target='/opt/firmware' ): """Install the packaged bytes into a final target directory Steps taken: * unpack firmware using :func:`fussy.unpack.unpack` * rsync new_firmware into /opt/firmware (`target`) * if `CURRENT_LINK` (current) is present in `target`, will hard-link shared files between the new firmware and `current` to reduce disk use (using :command:`rsync` parameter --link-dest) * removes the temporary directory where unpacking was performed returns full path to sub-directory of target where new firmware was installed raises Errors on most failures, including disk-full, failed commands, missing executables, etc """ temp_dir = unpack.unpack( filename, keyring ) assert os.path.exists( temp_dir ) base_name = os.path.basename( temp_dir ) try: final_target = os.path.join( os.path.normpath( target ), base_name ) i=0 while os.path.exists( final_target ): i+= 1 final_target = os.path.join( os.path.normpath( target ), base_name + '-%i'%(i,) ) current = os.path.join( os.path.normpath( target ), 'current' ) command = [ 'rsync', '-aq', ] if os.path.exists( current ): 'Reducing firmware size with hard-link compression' ) command.append( '--link-dest=%s'%( current,),) # TODO: figure out some way to configure rsync to not create a second # level directory when told `rsync -a a b` command.extend([ os.path.join( temp_dir, x ) for x in os.listdir( temp_dir ) ]) command.extend([ final_target, ]) 'Fixating firmware' ) subprocess.check_call( command ) return final_target finally: shutil.rmtree( temp_dir, True )
[docs]def enable( final_target, current ): """Attempt to enable final_target as the current release Steps taken: * runs `final_target/.pre-install final_target` (iff .pre-install is present) * (atomically) swaps the link `current` for a link that points to `final_target` * runs `final_target/.post-install final_target` (iff .post-install is present) * if a failure occurs before swap-link completes, deletes final_target returns None raises Exceptions on lots of failure cases """ pre_install = os.path.join( final_target, '.pre-install' ) post_install = os.path.join( final_target, '.post-install' ) try: if os.path.exists( pre_install ): 'Running pre-install script' ) def report_progress( line ): 'pre-install: %s', line ) pipe = nbio.Process( [ pre_install, final_target, 'False' ], by_line=True, stderr=-1) | report_progress pipe() 'Setting firmware current' ) swap_link( final_target, current ) except Exception, err: # we failed in either pre-setup or swapping log.warn( 'Failed during pre-install or swap, aborting' ) shutil.rmtree( final_target, True ) raise if os.path.exists( post_install ): 'Running post-install script' ) def report_progress( line ): 'post-install: %s', line ) pipe = nbio.Process([ post_install, final_target, 'True', ], by_line=True, stderr=-1) | report_progress pipe()
[docs]def install( filename, keyring='/etc/fussy/keys', target='/opt/firmware' ): """Install given firmware <filename> into given target directory Steps taken: * unpack firmware (using :func:`fussy.install.install_bytes`) * enable firmware (using :func:`fussy.install.enable`) * if :func:enable fails, enable `previous` (or `failsafe` if there was no previous) returns (error_code (0 is success), path name of the installed package) """ current = os.path.join( os.path.normpath( target ), CURRENT_LINK ) failsafe = os.path.join( os.path.normpath( target ), FAILSAFE_NAME ) ensure_current_link( current, failsafe ) previous = None try: previous = final_path( current ) except IOError, err: log.warn( "Target of current does not appear to exist: %s", err ) if not previous and os.path.exists( failsafe ) : previous = failsafe 'Previous installation: %s', previous ) 'Unpacking firmware to disk' ) final_target = install_bytes( filename, keyring, target ) 'New installation: %s', final_target ) assert os.path.exists( final_target ) try: enable( final_target, current ) except Exception, err: log.error( "Failure installing %s: %s", final_target, err ) log.error( "Traceback: %s", traceback.format_exc()) if previous: log.warn( "Attempting to restore previous: %s", previous ) enable( previous, current ) raise errors.RevertedFailure( previous ) log.error( "Unable to recover, contact support!" ) raise errors.UnrecoverableError( str(err) ) # TODO: need lots more logic in the back-off code... else: "Successfully installed %s", final_target ) return final_target
[docs]def get_options(): """Creates the OptionParser used in :func:`main` """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-f','--file', dest = 'file', default = None, action="store", type="string", help="The firmware archive to unpack, must be a .tar.gz.gpg or a .tar.gz.asc", ) parser.add_option( '-k','--keyring', dest = 'keyring', default = unpack.DEFAULT_KEYRING, action="store", type="string", help="GPG keyring to use for verification/decryption (default /etc/fussy/keys)", ) parser.add_option( '-t','--target', dest = 'target', default = DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_DIRECTORY, action="store", type="string", help="Directory into which to rsync the firmware (default /opt/firmware)", ) parser.add_option( '-l', '--logfile', dest='logfile', default='/tmp/fussy-install.log', help = "File into which to write the fussy installation log (default /tmp/fussy-install.log)", ) return parser
def configure_log( logfile ): if logfile: logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile,level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT) return logfile
[docs]def main(): """Main entry-point for the fussy-install script Steps taken: * parses arguments * launches :func:`install` """ parser = get_options() options,args = parser.parse_args() if not options.file: if args: options.file = args[0] else: parser.error( "Need a file to install" ) configure_log( options.logfile ) try: installed = install( options.file, options.keyring, ) return 0 except Exception, err: log.error( "Failure during installation: %s", err, ) log.error( "Traceback: %s", traceback.format_exc(), ) raise
[docs]def clean_main(): """Main entry-point for fussy-clean script Steps taken: * parses arguments * launches :func:`clean` """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-t','--target', dest = 'target', default = DEFAULT_FIRMWARE_DIRECTORY, action="store", type="string", help="Directory into which to rsync the firmware (default /opt/firmware)", ) parser.add_option( '-l', '--logfile', dest='logfile', default='/tmp/fussy-install.log', help = "File into which to write the fussy installation log (default /tmp/fussy-install.log)", ) options,args = parser.parse_args() configure_log( options.logfile ) clean( ) return 0

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