Source code for fussy.southrollback

"""Utility functions for common tasks"""
from fussy import install, nbio
import os, glob, logging
from optparse import OptionParser
log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )


[docs]def find_reverse_upgrades( final_target, relative_path, migration_pattern=MIGRATION_PATTERN ): """Find reverse upgrades that must be run before final_target is installed final_target -- final target of the installation relative_path -- path from final target to Django/South migrations returns ID/number of the migration to run (if any) """ new = glob.glob( os.path.join( final_target, relative_path, migration_pattern ) ) old = glob.glob( os.path.join( final_target, '..', install.CURRENT_LINK, relative_path, migration_pattern ) ) new = sorted([os.path.basename( x ) for x in new ]) old = sorted([os.path.basename( x ) for x in old ]) # we want the last migration in both old and new common = [ old_item for (new_item,old_item) in zip( new,old ) if new_item == old_item ] if common == old: # forward migration only 'No reverse migration required' ) return None elif common: # there is a common set, but it is *not* the same as old, so roll back current # until it is at the common branching point... log.warn( "Extra migrations in current versus target: %s", ", ".join( old[len(common):] ), ) return os.path.splitext( common[-1] )[0] else: # I can't think of a legitimate use case for wanting to roll back to having no data... raise RuntimeError( "No common migrations found" )
[docs]def get_options(): """Creates the OptionParser used in :func:`main` """ parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '-f', '--final_target', dest = 'final_target', help = "Path to the new firmware installation", ) parser.add_option( '-d','--django-admin', dest = 'django_admin', default = '', help="Path to the script with which to run migrations", ) parser.add_option( '-p', '--path', dest = 'path', help = "Relative path from current to migration directory...", ) parser.add_option( '-a', '--app', dest = 'app', help = "Application name to migrate", ) return parser
[docs]def main(): """Finds last common migration and reverts current Django db to that Must be run with DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in the environment """ logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO ) options,args = get_options().parse_args() migration = find_reverse_upgrades( options.final_target, options.path, ) if migration: pipe = nbio.Process([ options.django_admin, 'migrate', '--noinput',, migration, ],stderr=-1) print pipe()

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